Monday, June 2, 2008

Monthly Update

Build emergency fund to 6 mo expenses - 100.8% (Up 10.5%)
Pay off car loan - 6.2% (Up 1.5%)
Pay off student loan - 7.1% (Up .3%)
House down payment - 1.1% (Up 1.1%)

Woohoo! See that? Thanks to the economic stimulus package and the usual savings my emergency fund goal is met!

I had paid ahead on my student loan about 5 or 6 months and I'm letting that catch up a bit, just covering interest in May. At this point I'd rather put it in the down payment fund. I'd really like to pay extra on the car loan but that would seriously hinder the down payment savings and I'm getting very anxious. Also, at the great rate it is at, I really think I should pay no extra until I'm ready to pay the whole thing off - preserve my liquidity as much as possible and all that.

I also had a good month lawn-mowing and teaching knitting classes.

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