Sunday, March 28, 2010

Monthly Update

I'm doing my monthly update a little early. I don't foresee anything changing in the next 3 days besides the usual stock market swagger.

Pay off car loan - 70% (Up 3.4%)
Pay off student loan - 12.4% (Down .1%)
E-fund 2 - % (Up 2.9%)

Unfortunately I'm still treading water on the student loan while I work on the car loan but I'm making good progress. 9 short months to go..

Not reflected here is my employer's yearly gift into our 401k. It came this month and it always excites me. Kinda like something for nothing.. On the flipside I tend to wonder how many more years we will have this policy..

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Car Loan

Have I mentioned how super excited I am to be on track to pay off the car by the end of 2010? It's like giving myself a $300/month raise. It will probably be the only raise I get this year. My mind is drifting ahead to how I want to allocate that money. So far I know I want $100 to go to my Roth IRA. I also intend to use $100 to use on house projects. I'm not sure how I want to use the last $100. Part of me wants to bolster my cash-equivalent savings and the other part says I'm already contributing the Roth so why bother. Maybe it will be split between the Roth and the house improvement fund.

Offhand here are some of the things I know I would like to accomplish-
New windows
Refinish hardwood floor in the office
New kitchen countertop
Carpet the upstairs
Grade soil around house
Replace two fans
Cabinet for the bathroom
Table for the living room
Tile tub surround
Replace parts of sidewalk
Replace parts of driveway
Replace back stairs
Siding and gutters on the garage and maybe a small window
Kitchen cabinets/remodel - someday

As you can see, no shortage of ideas, and probably some are missing. And always I'm torn between handling the things that are more important to me or handling the things that will improve the value of the home/look good to a future buyer. Fortunately many overlap.

Also I bit the bullet and bought a refrigerator to replace my ailing unit. Unfortunately I dipped into the piano fund when I spent more than I originally planned. I think the piano will wait until fall, because I'll be busy outside this summer and hopefully by then my workplace will be on more firm ground. Maybe I will have replaced the $ I used on the refrigerator too.