Oops, skipped a month or two in there. So the numbers below are two months of progress.
Pay off student loan - 17.3% (Up 1.2%)
E-fund 2 - 96.3% (Up 4.7%)
Getting close on the backup emergency fund. That's a good feeling. Inching along the student loan, adding an extra $10 a month most months.
I got a raise/promo at work. So far it has been eaten up by stuff.. I went on vacation and had an awesome time. Kind of pricy but once in a lifetime sort of thing and totally worth it. (Planned before the raise, btw). Then we added to endless vet visits with some expected and some unexpected visits. I occasionally consider adding another pet to my family but the vet bills are enough to make me put that thought away. I'm very thankful that we finally found a treatment that works on my problem dog (bad allergies) and I think the treatment should be almost over soon. I'll have a few extra dollars in my pocket when we aren't going twice a month for that. But I must emphasize how thankful I am to have found something that works. If you have an allergy pet, look for BICOM therapy. Crazy but it works. And holy cow, cheaper than all the traditional stuff we tried. I'm curious why we don't offer that for humans in the US. Anyway, carry on.
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