Saturday, February 2, 2013

Monthly Update

Pay off student loan - 26.5%  (Up .9%)
Roth 2013 - 4.4%
Pay back savings - plumbing - 12.5%  (Up 3.5%)
Windows - 0%

So I skipped a month when I did my yearly look back.. this constitutes 2 months.  Thus far things are not going well in that area.  I took from my monthly cash flow to cover 6 months of car insurance and my summer share of a CSA.  It didn't really hit me until now that that's where my money went this month :)  I guess that is good news - it means I didn't fart away several hundred on small meaningless  There's also that smaller impact of higher taxes this year.  So hopefully next month is better.

I also received a bonus this month that is not reflected in any of those goals.  I squirreled it away for a goal not posted here.. something fun if not realistic, so it is back-burnered until I pay back my savings and put windows in.  Yet I wanted to save my bonus that way because I feel bonuses should be enjoyed.

Another high note, my taxes are mostly done and looking promising.  I should have a nice chunk of change to do with as I please.  I was intending to start saving for windows with that, but I may just wipe out that savings goal first. 

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