Saturday, March 30, 2013

Monthly Update

Pay off student loan - 27.4%  (Up .6%)
Roth 2013 - 27.6% (Up 18.8%)
Pay back savings - plumbing - 24.1%  (Up 11.6%)
Windows - 7.9%

On the surface it looks like I'm humming along sort of as planned.  In reality, my tax refund didn't go at all as   By the the time I covered the electrician, the chest freezer, the boarding bill that will be coming for vacation, and an unexpected vet bill, there's really not much left for windows.  I also rounded out my Roth for 2012.  But that's okay.  No regrets.  For the record, chocolate poisoning for a small dog can run in the neighborhood of $1000 so put your chocolate far out of reach :)  If you're anything like me, you know your dog's abilities but occasionally you get a little um, complacent. 

I need to sit down and consider my spending.  In the past I've been able to rather easily manage to put $350+ into my Roth each month.  I haven't been able to do that since December.  I know I covered some big bills but they were expected and I should have been able to plan for those.  And that was in January or something.  So I probably have a money leak I'm ignoring..  Plus I have another big once-a-year bill coming in May that I should be planning for and I'm not.

Happy Easter, happy spring!

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