Monday, September 2, 2013

Monthly (or quarterly) Update

Pay off student loan - 28.5%  (Up .9%)
Roth 2013 - 64.8% (Up 26.2%)
Windows - 8.9% (Up 1%)

Oops, skipped a couple of months there.  But it makes it look like I made a bunch of progress :)

Financial thoughts are swirling here.  I've been eyeballing a different vehicle.  I wasn't planning to go there for a couple of more years but I'm getting antsy!  Unfortunately that means I haven't put away any cash for such transaction so it would mean a loan.  Do I really want another loan?  And I think I'd have to spend a bit more than I'd want to, in order to get what I really want.  A good compromise might be waiting a few months and stashing cash in the meantime.  The hard part is there are not a lot of used vehicles of the sort I want available locally.  Seems like you catch them off their 3 year lease or you catch them much further down the line with a pile of miles.  But if I wait till after the new year I'll be fighting the people wanting to use their tax refunds..  Plus it'd be nice to have this vehicle in time for winter.

Then there are the windows.  I haven't been saving money as I should for those.  Toying with getting an estimate so at least I have a solid goal.  I'm really aiming for spring and wrapping it up with my tax refund.  I'm thinking that's a bad time to ask them to come out though for the same reason it's a bad time to buy a car in spring.

Then there's school.  I've been thinking about getting a master's on and off for a long time.  Last time I looked into it, I couldn't find an option that suited me in terms of timing, location, course work, etc.  But I think I've found my match this time.  Getting my stuff together now and we'll see how that pans out.

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