Sunday, March 1, 2009

February Update

Pay off car loan - 21.4% (Up 1.6%)
Pay off student loan - 10.1% (Up .7%)
House down payment - 72.3% (Up 27%!!)

Build emergency fund to 6 mo expenses - 99.5% (boo)

So I was planning on leaving the e-fund off my updates since it's been full but then the market took a big dump. The money I added this month didn't cover it so I'm short. I'll try to catch up this month. Part of me is still grateful for the opportunity to buy at such a great price, and part of me is really waiting for the economy to turn around. Anyway, since I'm getting pretty far on the house fund, it shouldn't hurt much to divert some funds. Especially since there are no houses I'm really interested in now.

And a WOOHOO on crossing the 10% mark on that big student loan beast. Another woohoo for crossing the 20% mark on the car loan.

I did get myself a new toy - an external hard drive. The first reason is because I have a small-ish hard drive (60gigs) and I store music and some movies on it. The second reason is because my trusty laptop is 4 and a half years old and I imagine at some point it will start having issues. It's been awesome for me so far. But when it does have issues I'll be so happy to have back-ups. It never used to bother me, but now that I spend so much time tracking and obesessing over my finances, boy I'd hate to lose my spreadsheet collection..haha. Anyway, I got 640 gigs for $70 with free shipping. I asked my brother to find a deal for me and he came through :)

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