Saturday, August 7, 2010

Monthly Update

Pay off car loan - 76.1% (Up 1.1%)
Pay off student loan - 13.5% (Up .3%)
E-fund 2 - 62.5% (Up 5.5%)

Yay for another good month. Slow and steady..hehe. Somehow in July I didn't make the progress I expected but at least there was still progress in the right direction. E-fund 2 got a nice boost due to the market, not me putting much more in there. Next month won't be much for progress either. I'll be refinancing my house and it will be coming from the emergency fund for now so I'll have to boost that back up a bit. I snagged an awesome rate and I'm pretty sure I'll never have the opportunity again.. I'm still debating how I will balance out repaying the money I use from savings for closing costs but yet I would like to make the same payment I was making before so I can pay the loan off in less than the original timeline. We'll see.

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