Friday, November 12, 2010

Late Monthly Update

Pay off car loan - 94.8% (Up 9.3%)
Pay off student loan - 14.7% (Up .3%)
E-fund 2 - 68.3% (Up 4%)

The two new ones..
Put $2500 back into house fund - 63.8% (Up 4.3%)
Put $768 into Roth IRA - 10.4% (Up 5.7%)

Wee. We got an award from work. I threw most of it at the car loan that's on a credit card. It feels so good to have some extra breathing room on that one. I took $100 toward my pup's surgery, however I have to come up with the other $500 from that ordeal this coming month, so progress will slow in November. At least we got some good news from that one (tumor's benign :) )

Now that we're nearing the end of the year, and the rest of it goes so fast with the holidays, my thoughts are starting to turn to what I will do with my tax refund. So exciting. So many more options now that I own my (fixer-upper-ish) home. I would like to save for a house project (windows, driveway, fence, the list goes on). But I think the refund should cover the $$ I owe to my savings/Roth IRA and cover the last of the car loan. That would be like starting the new year with a clean state. Plus there might be a couple of hundred extra to buy the linen cupboard I've wanted for my bathroom for the past year. Hm, decisions. Well, still a few months to think about that one.

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