Monday, December 28, 2009

2009 Goal Evaluation

Let's take a trip into recent history and see what they were.

1. Buy a house

Done! Yay, I'm so thrilled about accomplishing that one.

2. Grow net worth by $5000.

Done! Wow. Rough estimates are growth of $20k+ this year. Well, $8k came from the first time home buyer's tax credit, lucky me. My 401k grew by about $10k. I'm surprised at that, but I think most of that is a result of the economy recovering a little bit.

3. Establish a plan to generate some secondary income. Some ideas -
a - Concentrate on making more investments that throw dividends.
b - Sell soap.
c - Rental property.

Okay, I completely forgot about that one. But in my heart I've been thinking about these options and "a" appears to be the only viable one. Let's face it, I don't want to be a landlord. I also don't want to have to be responsible for making and marketing a product, being properly insured, worrying about packaging, customer service, blah blah blah.. I think this will be a carry over into 2010.

4. Pay off 20% of car loan.
Yes! 18.1% to 60.8%, awesome. That's over 40% pay off this year.

5. Pay off 10% of student loan.

Didn't happen. 8.8% to 11.9%. I suppose 3% in the right direction is better than no movement at all right? Hopefully I can settle into making full payments soon.

1 comment:

Jeff Green said...

Good job for a first time home buyer!