Friday, June 29, 2012

Monthly Update

Pay off student loan - 24% (Up .5%)
Roth 2012 - 52.1% (Up 9%)
Pay back savings - share from CSA - 52.7 (Up 16.3%)
Pay back savings - disability insurance - 0%
Tires - 0%

Cat's teeth needs have been covered by some of the third paycheck this month (yay!) but the goal has been replaced by a need for tires by winter.  I'm happy to note that I'm just a hair ahead of goal for Roth 2012.  Making slow and steady progress on the first very short term goal, which is good, because I'm enjoying my second "delivery" from the CSA.  I'm happy to report that it is working as I intended - veggies I would never willingly buy are being forced upon me.  Some things I would never buy that I've found a use for - spinach, radishes, beets.  Then there are some of my favorites like leaf lettuce, eggs, peas, strawberries.  Unfortunately I haven't yet found a use for green onions.  Maybe on the salad?  Hm.  It is a surprise every week so that is fun. 

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